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Rent laser systems, dry hire laser systems

Tarm has a huge rental pool and rents out different kinds of laser systems for different kinds of applications: Waterproof lasers, lasers for outdoor applications, high-end lasers for high profile graphics projections, low-divergence lasers for long distance projections etc..

Depending on the type of application we’d like to send you a specific laser rental quote by email. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with you requirements and let us know more about the event.

It is not only possible to dry-hire the lasers, but also to rent lasers with operator or technician. A laser rental pricelist is available on request. We rent out laser systems from 3.5W RGB up to 40W RGB. Depending on the project it is possible to rent lasers with even much higher powers. Please send us your inquiry.


tarm laser rental and dry hire


tarmĀ® tlt GmbH is member of the Laserworld Group:

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